Thursday, August 5, 2010

'Arts at the Bay' 2010

Last week I returned to my old High school, Lynfield College, to teach a group of Primary school students some tips on drawing cartoon characters. This was part of the annual 'Arts at the Bay' program organised by my High school Art teacher and head of the Arts faculty, Yon Ankersmit.

'Arts at the Bay' is a program where students from neighbouring Primary schools take part in one of a variety of workshops which Lynfield College is offering for the day. This year the workshops were Maori Flax weaving, Pottery, Jewelery making and Cartooning. I took a class of 10 students on the cartooning workshop and it was a great experience as I have never prepared or run a workshop before.

The workshop ran for 3 hours but time went by very fast. I started off by screening my Showreel to the class and handing out some samples of my work. Students were each given their own sketch books and stationary packs as well as a set of model sheets with different characters that I had prepared for them. I then gave each of the students a demonstration on  character construction which they took part in along side me. The students then tried drawing different expressions on different characters and customizing them with hair styles or clothing of their own invention. I was very impressed.

"I hope you're all still drawing with the sides of your pencils, Yes! I know it feels weird."

I want to thank all the Students who participated or helped out on the day. I was so impressed with the enthusiasm you showed in the class and in your sketch books.

Remember that drawing is a skill that you can keep developing and I encourage you all to stick with it. There are infinite tips, tricks, methods and styles but when it comes to drawing, be comfortable and have fun as no rule is set in stone.

I want to give a big Thank You to Yon Ankersmit for getting in contact and allowing me to put together this workshop too.

Thanks Guys.

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